Bred & Fed Local
Our family has focused on building a native cow herd from the top genetics in the breed focusing on maternal, docility, and high growth traits. Each animal is a 100% born locally and traceable from its birth onward. It grazes on grass between 20-24 months on ranches within 100 miles from our home ranch in Tres Pinos, California. Our cattle work is performed by horseback using traditional methods of handling cattle humanely. Free of GMOs, hormones or antibiotics. Providing you a safe, local, and reliable grass-fed beef product.

Land Stewardship for Long Term Sustainability
Lush healthy grasslands, clean water, and abundant wildlife are key in stewarding the ranches we manage. Renz Ranch is not about just “running cattle”. It’s about managing the rangelands where we grew up and being fortunate enough to pass these lands intact onto future generations. We use conservation grazing practices to manage grasslands, wetlands, riparian corridors, woodlands, chaparral, and serpentine rock areas benefiting native grasslands as well as the California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, steelhead trout, western pond turtle, burrowing owl, and several other special status plants and animals. Native species increased and overgrazed grasslands have recovered under our careful management.

Working with Public Agencies
The majority of our cattle are born and raised on public lands. Not only do our cows interact with the public on common trails, but everyone has the opportunity to learn about cattle and understand where their food comes from. Our family has a long-term approach in managing these beautiful public lands for future generations to enjoy. We understand the importance of conservation grazing as instrument in improving the grasslands, wildlife and protecting the resources, but also understand that our long-term relationship with the agency and public is first and foremost.

Renz Ranch is a local family operation based in Tres Pinos, California. Our employees are considered family. We support family businesses in our community and firmly believe in giving back more to the community than we ask for. We work with the animals we love. We speak through our actions.